About PotteryNotes


My name is Keith Jones and I’m the creator of PotteryNotes.  I’m a part-time potter and a full time computer programmer who became frustrated because I wanted to take pictures of my work and attach them to the notes I was making and I couldn’t think of an “easy” way to do this.   In order to do what I wanted I would have to create some kind of a record in a database or document, type in all of my information, and then somehow download images and embed them in the note.  What a bother!  I want to spend my time making pots, not fussing with my computer.  So I looked at the iPhone in my hand and an idea struck me…hmmm…it has a camera..it has a keyboard…why not an app to do what I want?  The next thing I knew I was learning the ins and outs of iPhone app programming and got to work.  A year later, PotteryNotes is born and I have the tool I was looking for!

What I’ve tried to do with PotteryNotes is to make a flexible tool that will allow you to create the record that you would like for describing your ceramic project, arrange it in any way you would like it, with the ability to print and email the note in a nice looking format.

PotteryNotes is a work in progress, so please send me your ideas and suggestions.  Also, let me know about any problems and issues you may have with the product.  New releases will be forthcoming, so throw in your 2 cents worth.

Contact PotteryNotes anytime by clicking here:  Email Us

Thank you and happy potterizing!